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Soil Erosion in Skalanes, Iceland
PHA Campaign in South Africa

My highest degree was received in May 2020 from Salem State University's Maters of GIS class. My concentrations include Urban Planning and Remote Sensing. I successfully completed two full years in Salem, MA while working in the Planning and Community Development Department at the City of Salem as their GIS intern and then as their planning assistant. Though my time with them was short, I gained valuable knowledge and skills from working with them and working closely with their GIS Administrator, Jack Nessen-who was also in my GIS graduating class. 


My time at Salem State afforded me diverse skills that companies seeking GIS professionals need in today's world. I got the opportunity to work closely with Dr. Marcos Luna as his GIS Research Assistant where I conducted my own study using GIS statistics to determine a possible relationship between hidden methane leaks from leaking iron pipelines and tree health. I also worked with Dr. Stephen Young where he taught me drone image and analysis through the use of drone technology. With him, I gained experience flying drones to capture images of land cover and then upload those images to image analysis software like IDRISI and ERDAS. I was able to analyze specific land cover for Collins Cove in Salem, MA and then the marsh behind Salem University. Here is a small list of other acquired skills during my time in my graduate program.


- All ESRI software such as: ArcMap, Story and Webmaps online, ArcGIS, ArcFM, ArcPy, etc.

-Coding experience with R, Python, SQL, Model Builder, Viewpoint Cloud Online, Maximo

-Website Creation that highlights remote sensing specifically how it is used to analyze Space Debris (This link can be found in the GIS project Tab)

-Database creation, management, and editing

-QGIS, GRASS, MapWindow, and recently practicing with AWS Services

-Metadata reading and editing


Before I gained these skills, I was an undergraduate at Southern CT State University Department of Earth Science. Upon my studies in this field, I realized Geography was where it's at and transferred to the Geography Department where I got multiple opportunities to study GIS abroad under the direction of Dr. Patrick Heidkamp.


Studying in Iceland involved using GIS in multiple ways: GPS navigation and satellite mapping, soil testing and analysis, geothermal energy and sustainability mapping. While studying in South Africa, I practiced using GIS to define social inequity among the rich economic class and poorer economic class. These maps were fresh with the end of apartheid and due to the lack of technology during the trip were not saved. 


During my last year in the Geography department, I carried an internship in the Office Of Sustainability at SCSU under the direction of Professor Suzanne Huminski. This internship afforded me experience of working with hydrology datasets, food waste, and waste management principles for the state of CT. This internship lasted a year and a finishing result was a community event held on April 20th where GIS was used to map water flow around the campus so the public could easily follow a made map and learn of water flow in New Haven, CT. 




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